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Comes with a guarantee

-- Bruce Gandy, Nova Scotia, Canada.. has won virtually every prize in the professional competitive piping circuit, widely known as a performer, composer and teacher.
A Few years ago, I was invited to play at the Glenfiddich Piping Championship and the thought of wearing my old kilt was just not acceptable. I called up Rosemary MacIsaac and arranged to see her that weekend at the games for measuring etc. Her service was friendly, she listened to my needs, and very quickly, I had a great fitting new kilt. I paid my bill and was happy but more so when I heard others comment to me on the nice new kilt that they noticed me wearing. I didn't have to advertise this new kilt, the look itself did the advertising. My own problems created a need for adjustment and that was done very promptly as well. Bottom line, you want a good kilt that will come with a guarantee that you are happy with the look and fit, call up Rosemary and Mac and they will sort you out just fine.?