500 out of 3000+
It is important for you to know that there are approximately 500 tartans to choose from. There are companies who claim that over 3000 tartans exist. Here are the facts. There are 3000+ tartans registered which means there are computer generated facsimiles of those tartans; however, there are approximately 500 tartans woven and readily available. We believe that the customer should be aware of these facts so you are not disappointed if you choose a tartan that is unavailable.
You may get a facsimile woven but this generally takes several months longer to receive and you must order a minimum quantity, which can get expensive. As a matter of fact, you can create your own tartan and have it registered and woven.
99% of kilts purchased today are crafted from one of the 500 woven tartans in existence. Therefore, we provide our customers a link to a tartan finder that focuses on the 500 most common tartans of the world.
The following TARTAN FINDER link has been provided for your convenience and the purpose is to give you an idea of what your clan tartan looks like. Once you have narrowed down the tartans, contact us to receive a ?swatch? or real sample. We would be happy to assist you through this process.
